If you find this growing near your house, don’t destroy it under any circumstances.

We are so used to getting all our food ready-made in supermarkets that many people no longer remember in what form this product may grow in nature.

When was the last time you picked mushrooms or berries in the forest? Can you tell the difference between edible plants and poisonous ones?

But in fact you don’t even have to go to the forest, edible plants can even be found in the backyard of your house…. Don’t believe me?

I must confess that I am not an avid gardener. I don’t even know the names of most of the plants and herbs, much less be able to tell you how to use them in cooking, but this plant has piqued my interest….

After all, at first sight, it seemed to be the most common weed, I did not even suspect of its values….

Indeed, in many cultures portulaca is known as a weed, but it is actually a green leafy vegetable that not only can, but probably should be eaten like other greens like spinach or lettuce.

Portulaca is often found in the cracks of sidewalks, but this plant also grows in the garden.

This plant has long been used in traditional and alternative medicine.

So what is so beneficial about it?

Portulaca is rich in vital nutrients containing omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals including magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron.

In addition to the health benefits, this plant carries benefits for your garden.
Portulaca improves soil health by preventing soil erosion. It can increase the fertility of the land and improve the yield of other plants.

In general, portulaca is common in many habitats, and it’s quite possible that it’s growing near your home. If so, my advice is to use it!

If you find this growing near your house, don’t destroy it under any circumstances.
Queen Camilla speaks out about Kate Middleton following her cancer diagnosis.