The only wish, that a 7-year-old Ryan had, was to have a loving family. When he was 2 years old, he ended

Little Florence’s summer vacations were always at her grandmother’s village near Texas.

How often does fate knock on our doors? It’s a rare thing in our life. But this is exactly what

On my 21st birthday, instead of a joyous celebration, I received loud indignation from my father.

Benjamin Bruce was raising his daughter Emily alone. His wife died when their girl just turned six.

My job at the bank is to manage different projects. And our last project was particularly difficult.

For several days now Mrs. Doyle’s attention had been attracted by the boy next door. She noticed

After wrapping little Barbara tightly, Sophia went out for a walk. She went to Lake Park, Minnesota.

Victoria was busy with her work, diligently sweeping the floors, when suddenly she saw a man enter the

“One, two, three…and four, now that’s good!”, Gregory counted the plates on the