Father of Three Empowers Wife by Wearing Skirt and High Heels to Work.

Meet Mark Bryan, a 63-year-old husband and father of three who takes pride in his unique fashion blend. He embraces the comfort of donning not only a traditional suit but also a stylish pencil skirt and heels.

Originally hailing from Dallas, USA, Mark now calls Crailsheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, his home. By profession, he’s a robotics engineer, and he’s quick to clarify that his clothing choices have no connection to his sexual orientation.

Mark Bryan identifies as a heterosexual and happily married man who rejects binary notions of fashion. In his own words, “I’m a straight, cisgender man, and my choice of attire has nothing to do with my sexuality. I simply revel in wearing what I love.”

When Did Mark Bryan Start Wearing Skirts?


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Bryan, with his muscular physique and the strength to comfortably wear heels daily, found the inspiration to diversify his wardrobe during a weekend shopping excursion with his wife.

Growing weary of the routine suit and tie attire for his office job, he expressed a desire for change, prompting his wife to suggest experimenting with dresses.

In 2015, Bryan initiated this transformation by introducing heels into his ensembles, amusing his colleagues who joked about him eventually transitioning to skirts. Little did they anticipate that by 2018, skirts would indeed become a regular part of his wardrobe.


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Публикация от Mark Bryan (@markbryan911)

Despite his long-standing curiosity about merging elements of both men’s and women’s clothing, societal stereotypes had implied that crossing this fashion boundary implied a different sexual orientation. However, Bryan firmly reiterated, “I am an ordinary, straight, and happily married man.”

His initial experience with heels in college felt natural, leading them to become a staple in his daily attire. Now, at the age of 63, he has a collection of heels suited for various occasions.

For casual days, Bryan opts for shorter heels, pairing them with denim jeans, while he dons block heels for outings in the city, making cobblestone streets a comfortable stroll. He quipped, “The only time I’m not wearing heels is when I’m on the football pitch, as I’m a keen player and coach.”


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Публикация от Mark Bryan (@markbryan911)

Bryan’s fashion sense embraces a juxtaposition of masculine and feminine elements, with skirts offering a canvas for this expression. He elucidated, “I prefer a ‘masculine’ appearance above the waist and a gender-neutral look below. It’s all about clothing transcending gender.”

His steadfast supporter in this fashion journey is his wife, who prefers to remain unnamed. She proudly stated, “I think Mark would look fantastic in anything, but he’s my husband, after all. He wears much higher heels than I do, but his legs look even better.”

Bryan has garnered support from those closest to him. His wife of 11 years often assists in assembling outfits, and even his daughter has expressed a desire to borrow some of his heels.


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Nearly a decade into confidently wearing skirts and heels, the father of three acknowledged that he still attracts curious glances from strangers, but he has grown accustomed to such attention.

What is the public perception of Mark Bryan’s fashion choices?

Bryan’s broad-minded approach to clothing resonates positively with some individuals, while others find it challenging to comprehend his unique style.


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He openly admitted that he frequently receives compliments from women in their 30s and 40s, while men tend to inquire about his attire without extending compliments.


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Публикация от Mark Bryan (@markbryan911)

These mixed reviews that he encounters in real life are mirrored in the online sphere. Some women praise his well-defined legs and assert that he appears more attractive in skirts and heels.

However, there remains a segment of the audience who doubts the authenticity of his wife’s support.

One commenter speculated that Bryan’s wife might be supportive because she realizes that his distinctive style ensures no one would ever come between them.

In contrast, another user candidly expressed their inability to fathom their partner donning a skirt and heels after work, stating, “I’d be out the door.”

Father of Three Empowers Wife by Wearing Skirt and High Heels to Work.
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