10 years ago, these Conjoined Twins underwent a remarkable Surgical Procedure that successfully separated them. Today, they have Reached Adulthood and are Thriving.

The birth of a baby always carries risks, yet when your child is born, it feels like an incredible miracle.

This truth resonated deeply with the parents of Isabelle and Abby Carlsen, who were conjoined twins born more than a decade ago. Connected at the chest and abdomen, they shared a liver, small intestine, and had their hearts intertwined.

The arrival of these beautiful girls captured the attention of the global community as they were born at the renowned Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

However, amidst the worldwide fascination, their parents faced an arduous decision. Surgeons stood ready to undertake the intricate task of separating them.

Assuming the burden of fear and worry, the parents carried the weight of responsibility regarding the twins’ operation. They were aware that, according to the Star Tribune, 60 percent of such procedures resulted in fatalities at that time.

On May 12, 2006, a team of 17 surgeons embarked on the intricate operation, which lasted 12 hours and was filled with tense moments. Particularly nerve-wracking was the moment when they had to separate the shared liver.

The wait felt interminable for their family, but thankfully, the operation proceeded according to plan, and both girls not only survived but thrived. However, their journey began in hospital rooms where they spent the first six months of their lives.

A decade has passed, and it’s astonishing to see the remarkable progress Isabelle and Abby have made since their conjoined days; they are thriving!

Looking at a picture of their conjoined selves as babies, Isabelle and Abby can hardly believe it’s truly them.

As reported by CBS News, Abby exclaimed, “Every night we look in the mirror in our room, and we’re like, how do people get us mixed up?”

Today, they have blossomed into lively girls with a passion for gymnastics, and they effortlessly befriend everyone around them. Their teacher at the time, Tiffany Moos, mentioned in an interview that they were also academically advanced.

Although they are independent individuals, there are moments when they walk side by side and instinctively reach out to hold each other’s hands.

To hear Abby and Isabelle narrate their incredible journey in their own words, please listen to the clip below.

These two extraordinary girls are a true miracle, and credit must be given to the incredible team of surgeons who successfully completed their separation.

Let’s share their story far and wide, spreading love and inspiration!

10 years ago, these Conjoined Twins underwent a remarkable Surgical Procedure that successfully separated them. Today, they have Reached Adulthood and are Thriving.
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