Dying woman had one last wish. Her carer got something out of his pocket. Everyone was stunned.

The laws of life are inexorable and eventually we will all die.

Many people fear death, however, this woman thought it was something beautiful and natural.

Far worse is helplessness. When you have to rely completely on loved ones, even for little things like going to the bathroom or heating up a meal.

Maria spent the last months of her life in a nursing home. The woman knew the end was near when God sent her a “FINAL MIRACLE.”

The woman had taught singing and piano all her life and missed music very much.

And she was lucky: one day she met her former student Joshua Woodard at a nursing home.

The young man had studied with her since he was 9 years old, and remembered his kind teacher well.

That’s when he learned that Mary’s dying wish was to hear the song “How Great Thou Art” before she died.

Of course, Joshua was happy to be able to please his teacher at such a moment.

He found the lyrics to the song and wrote it down in his phone, and at the appropriate moment, he pulled it out and performed the song with feeling.

“Hospice workers are angels, but this hospice aide is special,” says Marty Adkins Redmond.

“Mary taught voice and piano at one time, and this aide, Joshua Woodard, was one of her students as a child. Hospice workers are special people!

Mary’s daughter-in-law managed to capture this emotional moment on film:

Maria is no longer with us, but this touching moment continues to warm the hearts of people all over the internet.

Be sure to share this beautiful video with all of your friends on Facebook to honor all of the staff who tirelessly care for our elderly loved ones.

Dying woman had one last wish. Her carer got something out of his pocket. Everyone was stunned.
Boy Notices Lights off in Elderly Woman’s House for Days, Comes Closer and Hears a Whisper.