A Warning was Issued by a Mother, After her Toddler Almost Lost Eyesight due to a Bath Toy.

Bath time is often synonymous with playtime for children, and having more toys in the bath is usually a source of joy.

However, a mother from Illinois is cautioning other parents about the potential danger of a seemingly harmless bath toy that caused a terrible injury to her young son. As a result, he may face the possibility of losing his eyesight.

Eden Strong was in the process of giving her 2-year-old son, Baylor, a bath when she noticed that his eye seemed irritated.

Initially, she attributed it to water getting in his eye. However, after the bath, Baylor’s eye worsened, and it turned out that he had developed cellulitis, a potentially severe bacterial skin infection.

In just 12 hours, his eye went from being pink to infected.

In a Facebook post that has since gone viral, Eden shared that her son’s eye was bulging from his face and had become very obscured. He was also running a high fever.

She recounted crying throughout the drive to a larger hospital and praying that Baylor would not lose his eye.

The following week was a scary one, as the cellulitis spread to both of Baylor’s eyes and down his face. The doctors warned that he might lose vision in the worse eye, but thankfully, his eyes eventually healed.

Eden expressed gratitude to the Lord for his recovery.

Baylor’s terrible eye injury was caused by a bath toy that squirts water.

According to Eden, the water in these types of toys is never fully expelled, allowing bacteria to grow uncontrollably. She later discovered this fact after her son’s injury.

To warn other parents about the dangers of these toys, Eden posted shocking pictures of Baylor’s injuries on Facebook. Her post has since been shared by 192,000 people, and she received numerous pictures from other parents who had experienced similar issues.

Eden hopes that manufacturers will take this issue into account when designing bath toys. She has already thrown away all of Baylor’s squeezable toys and believes that although they may be cute, fun, cheap, and easy, they are not worth the potential harm they can cause.

This family went through a terrifying experience, and it’s a relief that Baylor has since recovered.

It’s important to share this information with other parents to prevent similar incidents from happening.

A Warning was Issued by a Mother, After her Toddler Almost Lost Eyesight due to a Bath Toy.
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