People laughed at her and called her «Quasimodo». Now she’s changed and happily married.

This girls name is Veronica. And she was the heroine of numerous memes on the Internet. People simply couldn’t let go of her unusual appearance. However, the girl herself was not happy with such attention from the public.

The nagging from classmates started in high school. The boys would constantly make fun of Veronica, calling her names and picking on her. The girls didn’t want to be friends with Veronica either because of all the negative attention.

When it was time to graduate the girl hoped that she would finally breathe a sigh of relief and leave all the taunts behind. But it wasn’t to be.

By that time, “resourceful” classmates had already managed to spread Veronica’s photos with unflattering comments all over the Internet. A lot of memes appeared.

Unfortunately, people picked up the whole “game” and threw “funny” memes to each other without even knowing the person in the photo. It hit Veronica really hard.

One of the “kindest” comments was the prediction, that the girl would end up alone living with 40 cats till the rest of her life.

Luckily, the fate turned out to be much kinder than commentators from the network.

Veronica managed to pull herself together. She entered college, successfully graduated and got a well-paid job. She’s also changed in appearance.

Today she is married, but does not have children yet.


She is surrounded by close and loving people, for whom her appearance does not matter.

This story is a reminder of how cruel people can be, and how important it is to support our close ones. Life will turn around eventually! We all know that!

People laughed at her and called her «Quasimodo». Now she’s changed and happily married.
How to end a broken relationship: advice for men.