Effects of caffeine on human body.

Black coffee is the most popular drink in the world. Its flavor and aromatic properties make it a unique food material. There are two opposing views on the effects of coffee on the human body. Some people believe that coffee too disturbs the nervous system, corrupts dental health, and no longer has any effect on health. Others believe that caffeine has unique helpful microelements that the human body cannot obtain from other foods. So what does caffeine have to do with human health?

Sources of caffeine

Coffee drinks have tonic properties, and fresh coffee beans contain trace elements that are irreplaceable physiological value for humans. Not many people are aware of the fact that a substance called caffeine is not only found in coffee beans. There are three other sources of caffeine, such as cocoa beans, cola fruit, and Chinese tea. However, modern city-dwellers consume only the caffeine found in coffee beans and tea in their diet.

Caffeine and health

Contrary to popular and unsubstantiated opinion, the body’s reaction to caffeine does not depend solely on the amount of tea or coffee, which was consumed in a day. Half of that reaction depends on the type of nervous system a particular person has. If a man or woman has a weak nervous system, one cup of coffee a day is enough to make him or her feel awake throughout the day. People with a strong nervous system need more caffeine to stay awake after a sleepless night.
People who consume moderate amounts of coffee and tea regularly have increased cerebral cortex activity. These coffee drinkers may notice that after a cup of coffee their thinking becomes clearer and the response time to the flow of information is reduced. Also, coffee fans do not experience daytime drowsiness.
However, drinking too much coffee, tea, and cocoa can lead to increased arousal, depression, confusion, headaches, insomnia, and even tremors.

Is caffeine addiction a myth or a reality?

According to the latest scientific research, caffeine addiction does exist. Moreover, such pathology is not uncommon. Some people use pharmacy caffeine tablets in order to constantly stimulate their mental activity: people who have intellectual careers get such type of addiction. Other people «get addicted» to caffeine because they are depressed: this substance helps them cope with mental illness.

The conclusion

So, caffeine isn’t that dangerous. However, strong drinks based on coffee and tea are not recommended for two categories of people: children and pregnant women. Fragile bodies of teenagers are not able to properly adjust metabolism if it is fed by substances that stimulate neural activity

Effects of caffeine on human body.
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