Husband Controls Her Look, But When He Dies, Widow Totally Transforms.

Show me a man who controls the way his wife looks, and I’ll show you a man with an unhappy wife.

That was the story of Charlotte Guttenberg, who could never follow her heart, just because her husband wouldn’t allow it. The problem was, he saw her in a certain way, and had his opinion on “what a woman should look like”, and since Charlotte wanted to be a good wife, she had to follow the rules.

But that was util the death of Charlotte’s husband. It happened 10 years ago, and after the mourning period the woman knew exactly what she was going to do.

She went straight to the tattoo salon and got her first body art.

“My husband always said, that no lady would have a tattoo, but now I’m so happy”, – she said that day. “It was a life-defining step for me”.

After that she didn’t want to stop, and she was getting new and new designs since. “Every tattoo I have has a meaning to me. They all flow into a story.”

Today Charlotte is 67 years old, and she holds the Guinness World Record for female senior citizen with the most tattoos. Over 92% of her body is covered.

She is happy, and she met her new husband, who is as original and into arts, as she is. And her hobby helped her with that.

Her new husband’s name is Charles Helmke, and he holds the Guinness World Record for most tattooed male senior citizen. It’s a match made in heaven!

“We first saw each other at the tattoo studio, while she was getting her ink done”, says Charles. It was taking long, and I started talking to her, to help her take her mind off the process, and that was it.”

“We met again for a cup of coffee, had a stroll in the park, and I kissed her that day, we never parted since”.

“He caught my eye as soon as i saw him, I was trying not to show, though”.

“I guess, we are similar, since we both have body suits that are Oriental and Spiritual in theme, although they are very different. Our tattoos tell the story we each want to tell. It seems we both have a lot to say.”

“Some people don’t understand us, but we don’t force anyone to like, what we do”.


Husband Controls Her Look, But When He Dies, Widow Totally Transforms.
If you catch sight of this insect in your yard, you had better know what it is.