Lady Turns 110-year-old Tree in her yard Into Magical Miniature Free Library, which Went Viral.

That wonderful idea came to Sharalee Armitage Howard from Idaho, who had been looking after a 110-year-old tree near her house.

The old tree was supposed to be cut down, but the woman decided to give it a second life.

She turned an old and withered trunk into a mini-library with free books for neighbors, passers-by and just those who wish to read. The library is based on the principle of “take – share”.

At first, she just filled the new library with her personal collection of books, that she had already read and was ready to share, but later other people liked the idea and started bringing their books too.

So, anybody who wanted to read, or was looking for a certain book or a specific author, or was just killing the time while waiting for a friend could take it from this free library.

With the support of the Little Free Library, Sharalee was able to turn her ideas into reality. And such an incredible beauty turned out.

The trunk was shortened and cut from the inside, it was covered with a gable roof.

The book point was also equipped with internal and external lighting, thanks to which a magical effect is really created.

All the details were carefully thought out and made with love. For instance the decoration above the door, which looks really cute.

These are the miniature, wood-carved, signed books such as The Hobbit and Gone with the Wind.

After such a good deed, the woman officially joined the Little Free Library union and her construction was marked on the mini-libraries’ map.

The woman said that in spring she will grow the plants to decorate the little book house, and also paint some parts of it, so that it will look finished.

But actually the miniature library already looks like a real magic house from fairy tales! What do you think?

Lady Turns 110-year-old Tree in her yard Into Magical Miniature Free Library, which Went Viral.
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